Round seven: There’s a good exchange on the ropes. Announcer has spent the last minute desperately claiming that this is a good fight. 10-9, 49-46 Sanchez on the late work? Maybe? This fight sucks. They trade in the center, left hand by Sanchez. I’m not sure Sanchez has thrown a power punch this round. Sanchez barely throwing anything these last couple round. Round five: Early combo from Ajagba, 1-2 downstairs. Ajagba backs him to the corner and looks for right hands. Round four: Ajagba advancing, looking to jab. Ajagba lands a right cross into the clinch. Big overhand right from Sanchez, who looks to follow up with a combination. Another right lands for Ajagba, who follows with a jab downstairs. Ajagba looks for a right hand on the ropes.
Don’t even know how to score this round it was terrible. Good overhand right by Sanchez, best punch of the fight. Round two: Ajagba advancing a bit more aggressively. Good shots from Sanchez near the ropes after eating a left hook. Round one: Both men looking to jab early. Fury battering him at point-blank and he finally puts Wilder down for good with an overhand right. More right hands from Fury, right uppercuts. Round eleven: Jab-uppercut-clinch by Fury. Now some heavy rights from Wilder in the final seconds as Fury calls him on. Wilder looking for uppercuts, lands a right hand and gets stood up straight by a big uppercut form Fury. Fury right back on the attack when they resume. Again Wilder beats the count without issue. Wilder lands a body shot, but Fury responds with a brutal right hook that knocks him to his knees. Fury outlanding him, tanking the return fire. More heavy shots behind it as Wilder throws back. Round ten: Fury lands body shots in the clinch, then a clean 1-2. Fury walking through his shots, lands a combo on the ropes. Wilder’s too gassed to deal real damage at this point. Trading lefts, then a heavy flurry from Fury halfway through the round. Good 1-2 from Wilder, tries to follow up, gets clinched. Fury digs a right downstairs, swats at him on the ropes. Round nine: Good left hook lands for Fury. Solid right hands landing for him but he’s very slow and unsteady on his feet. Wilder still throwing back, to his credit. More right hands from Fury and Wilder really isn’t steady. Good left hand, then a 1-2 that stings Wilder once again. Round eight: Fury continuing to press forward. Fury cracks him with a looping right and pours it on, starting with an uppercut and continuing with swarming shots in the corner. 1-1-2 hurts Wilder and they tie up again. Round seven: Fury coming out aggressive, fires a 3-2 before tying up. Wilder looking like he’s running out of steam. Four-piece lands for Fury, who absorbs a 1-2. Big 1-2 by Fury, Wilder tries to answer in kind and gets clinched. Wilder tries to answer with combinations as they swing inside. Pushing forward, enters the clinch behind a right hand. Both throw, neither connects in the center.
Wilder hurls a series of right hands, can’t land clean. Short uppercuts land for Fury before the ref separates them. Round five: Wilder swinging big to start the round. Fury lands a counter right, but Wilder drops him a second time with a right hand in the clinch. Suddenly, he lands a huge right cross that takes out Fury’s legs and puts him on the canvas. Wilder looking like he’s lost the early confidence and Fury opens up against the ropes halfway through. Round four: Fury pushing forward, pressing the advantage. He nearly manages to polish him off, but runs out of time. Fury with a hard 3-2 and uppercuts in the clinch. Wilder beats the count with time to spare and looks steady. Fury suddenly rocks Wilder with a two-piece against the ropes and sends him to the mat. Stiff jab by Fury, good left hook behind it. Fury catches him behind the ear with a right hand, eats a bigger one in return halfway through the round. Round three: solid exchanges in the center.

Fury answers a right cross with a 1-2 into the clinch.

Solid left hook by Fury on the ropes, clinch. Wilder barrels in, clinch halfway through the round. Fury lands his own right hook to the body. Wilder hurling right hands, digs a powerful hook to the body. Round two: Fury with a bit more aggression, clinch. Round one: Wilder targeting the body early with jabs and right hands. Wilder 3 Round-By-Round Updates: Heavyweight Championship: Tyson Fury vs. DraftKings Sportsbook: Latest ‘Wilder Vs.